New porcelain veneers installed by Dr. Meyers
What do celebrities and regular patients of ours have in common? The ability to access and afford attractive, long-lasting veneers.
A veneer is an ultra-thin shell, made of porcelain or a composite resin material. Veneers are attached or bonded to the front portion of the teeth.
Why would somebody choose to install veneers?
Our teeth are a significant component of our appearance. Front teeth that have defects can be covered up with veneers, vastly improving the appearance of these damaged teeth.
Veneers can cover up the following dental issues:
- Discoloration: including overall yellow appearance, or portions of the tooth that are streaked or discolored
- Chips: A veneer can be a great “fix” for a chipped tooth, and often a better alternative than removing the tooth and installing an implant or bridge, both economically and aesthetically.
- Misshapen teeth: For various reasons, your teeth may have an irregular shape, but still be a perfectly healthy tooth. Veneers cover up the less attractive portion of the tooth while retaining the strength of your natural tooth.
- Gaps between teeth: A veneer can extend beyond your tooth and cover up the gaps in between two teeth.
How are veneers “installed”?
It’s actually pretty straightforward. Your original tooth is contoured so that the surface will match up with the veneer, creating a tight bond.
After the tooth is contoured, Dr. Meyers will make a mold of the teeth to be veneered. These impressions are used to make custom designed veneers. The production of these custom-made veneers takes about three weeks. When they are delivered, the patient returns to have the veneers bonded into place.
Typically, the whole process is painless, requiring no anesthesia, unless there is a tender place on the original tooth.